Virtual Social Capital in the Process of Internet Socialization of Young People

  • Olga A. Chebunina Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University
How to Cite
Chebunina O.A. Virtual Social Capital in the Process of Internet Socialization of Young People. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 229-241. DOI:


The author addresses an urgent problem – the study of the formation of virtual social capital in social networks and its influence on the socialization of the younger generation. The specificity of real and virtual social capital is considered, the behavior of young people in social networks and the perception of the dependence of social competitiveness on successful positioning in the interactive space by young people are analyzed. The author makes a conclusion about the importance of virtual social capital for the socialization of modern youth, including in its professional, business and personal aspects.
social capital, socialization, social networks, virtual space, youth, the Internet, social relations

Author Biography

Olga A. Chebunina, Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University


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Chebunina, O. A. (2019). Virtual Social Capital in the Process of Internet Socialization of Young People. Humanities of the South of Russia, 8(1), 229-241.