The State of Russian Culture: the Expert Assessments and Attitudes of the Population

  • Oleg I. Karpukhin Institute of Sociology of the Federal Research Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Sergei N. Komissarov Institute of Sociology of the Federal Research Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
How to Cite
Karpukhin O.I., Komissarov S.N. The State of Russian Culture: the Expert Assessments and Attitudes of the Population. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 6. P. 26-40. DOI:


The article summarizes the data of sociological research, in the course of which expert assessments and public opinion on the state and prospects of Russian culture are revealed.The results make it possible to adjust and improve the effectiveness of the state cultural policy at the Federal and regional levels.The analysis is based on the data obtained in the course of the all-Russian expert survey “Goals and priorities of cultural policy of modern Russia”, conducted by scientists of the Institute of sociology of RAS, Institute of Economics and Institute of Art Studies of the MK of the Russian Federation, as well as the mass survey of the population of the Russian Federation “Cultural policy in the regional context”, carried out by the Center for social forecasting.The survey results show that the modernization of Russian society increasingly reveals an underestimation of the importance of culture as the backbone of Russian civilization.This requires the development of a new modern methodology and methodology of sociological research of culture, based on the synthesis of traditional sociology of culture and culture-sociology.
socio-cultural analysis, state of Russian culture, expert survey, cultural institutions in the market and the development of new information technologies

Author Biographies

Oleg I. Karpukhin, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Research Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, General Researcher
Sergei N. Komissarov, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Research Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head, Center for PR and Mass-media


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Citation Formats
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Karpukhin, O. I., & Komissarov, S. N. (2018). The State of Russian Culture: the Expert Assessments and Attitudes of the Population. Humanities of the South of Russia, 7(6), 26-40.