Scientist, Initiator of Science, Educator (for Alexander Anatolyevich Pushkarenko’s 90th Birthday)

  • Ivan A. Ivannikov Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
How to Cite
Ivannikov I.A. Scientist, Initiator of Science, Educator (for Alexander Anatolyevich Pushkarenko’s 90th Birthday). Humanities of the South of Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 251-257. DOI:


The article is the first work on the scientific and pedagogical biography of the famous historian and educator Alexander Anatolyevich Pushkarenko. The article reveals his life path, participation in social and scientific life of Taganrog, Rostov State University. He was a recognized expert on the history of Taganrog, Tanais, the history of the state and law of Russia. His participation in the work as a director of the city local lore museum in Taganrog, head of the department of culture of the city executive committee of Taganrog Council of People's Deputies, teacher in Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, associate professor and dean of the law faculty of Rostov State University, the scientific secretary of Rostov State University. From 1966 to 1995 A.A. Pushkarenko worked in Rostov State University for the senior positions. A.A. Pushkarenko is shown as a scientist, a talented initiator of science and culture and an educator. The conclusion is devoted to his significant contribution to the development of the mission of Rostov State University and the great work on the development of historical science, including the history of the state and law of Russia.
Alexander Anatolievich Pushkarenko, scientific biography, Taganrog city museum of local lore, Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, Rostov State University, history of the state and law of Russia, The Criminal Code of 1903

Author Biography

Ivan A. Ivannikov, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Doctor of Political Sciences,  Professor 


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Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Ivannikov, I. A. (2018). Scientist, Initiator of Science, Educator (for Alexander Anatolyevich Pushkarenko’s 90th Birthday). Humanities of the South of Russia, 7(4), 251-257.