Information: Social and Philosophical Conceptualization of the Concept

  • Dariya Yu. Kushnir Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
How to Cite
Kushnir D.Y. Information: Social and Philosophical Conceptualization of the Concept. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 141-148. DOI:


The article considers various approaches to the concept “information”. It is customary to consider information as the main condition of economic development along with capital, labor and raw materials, but what makes information particularly significant in the modern world is its digital nature. It is also worth noting that the impact of information technology on natural and social sciences has made this concept very controversial. “The Mathematical Theory of Communication” by C. Shannon (1948) is a landmark work. It talks about the general use of information with its semantic and pragmatic dimensions. The fact, that the notion of “knowledge-sharing” is designated by the word “information”, is a special linguistic phenomenon.The relevance of the article is that this concept occupies a central role in modern society. Although knowledge and their interrelations are the main phenomena of any human society, it is the development of information technologies and its global consequences that characterize our society as an information society.
information, information concepts, interpreta-tion, context, message, feedback, meaning, at-tributive concept, functional concept, anthro-pocentric concept

Author Biography

Dariya Yu. Kushnir, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Postgraduate student, Department of Sociology,History and Philosophy 


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Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Kushnir, D. Y. (2018). Information: Social and Philosophical Conceptualization of the Concept. Humanities of the South of Russia, 7(4), 141-148.