Ethnic Borders as the Basis for Ethnic Identity Formation

  • Zinaida V. Sikevich Saint Petersburg State University
How to Cite
Sikevich Z.V. Ethnic Borders as the Basis for Ethnic Identity Formation. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 37-53. DOI:


The article is devoted to the problem of ethnic identity formation. Ethnic boundaries are the main marker of this process. The article outlines the main features of ethnic differentiation. The author refers national borders, the history of the peoples’ creation and the degree of society modernization to the social attributes. The perpetuation of the image of ethnic "we" as an opposition to the image of "non-we", as well as the degree of expression of ethnic "I" within the I-concept are included to the psychological features. According to the author language as the basic symbolic medium of ethnicity and tradition, understood as a system of values, norms and stereotypes that determines social individual and group behavior is the cultural feature. The theoretical conclusions are illustrated by the sociological research data carried out under the author’s supervision.
ethnic borders, ethnic identity, ethnic distance, ethnic consolidation, enculturation, social relations, national majority, national minority, status group, interethnic family

Author Biography

Zinaida V. Sikevich, Saint Petersburg State University
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor 


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Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Sikevich, Z. V. (2017). Ethnic Borders as the Basis for Ethnic Identity Formation. Humanities of the South of Russia, 6(4), 37-53.