New Collectivism in Social Positioning of Russians

  • Mikhail A. Grishchenko Rostov Institute of the Protection of the Entrepreneurs, Volgodonsk
How to Cite
Grishchenko M.A. New Collectivism in Social Positioning of Russians. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 3. P. 215-224. DOI:


The article analyses the phenomenon of new collectivism which is manifested in social positioning of Russians as the requestfor the joint practices focused on self-realization and social utility. On the basis of extensive sociological material, the author of the article concludes that active social class of Russian society is moving from the position of "selfish, irresponsible individualism", typical for socially anarchic attitudes in the mass consciousness in the 1990s, to a model of social responsibility, including the achievement of common benefits based on the balance of general, group and personal interests. The author of the article suggests that new collectivism contributes to the social integration of Russian society, raises readiness for an adequate perception of internal and external risks and expands the corridor of opportunities for new social and professional classes and groups inpersonal fulfillment.
social solidarity, individualistic and collectivist values, new collectivism, life strategies, social positioning

Author Biography

Mikhail A. Grishchenko, Rostov Institute of the Protection of the Entrepreneurs, Volgodonsk


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Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Grishchenko, M. A. (2017). New Collectivism in Social Positioning of Russians. Humanities of the South of Russia, 6(3), 215-224.