Mission of university in the period of modern crisis of university education

  • Anastasia Yu. Karpenko Southern Federal University, Specialist-expert , Investment projects support Department, Ministry of Economic nastena-ste@mail.ru
How to Cite
Karpenko A.Y. Mission of university in the period of modern crisis of university education. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 2. P. 291-302.


The article is devoted to the transformation of the university’s mission, its social purpose. The mission of the modern Russian university is analyzed through organizational and knowledge aspect in the following areas: 1) the correlation of formal and informal rules at the university; 2) the usefulness of the university; 3) the ratio of the price and quality of university education. It is noted that the university’s mission can not be defined arbitrarily, it depends on the tasks and peculiarities of systemic connections (vertical or horizontal) that arise in the process of interaction with the most important social subjects (quasisubjects) for each period of history: the Church, the State, the City (Market).
University’s mission, evolution of the University, crisis, education, academic environmen

Author Biography

Anastasia Yu. Karpenko, Southern Federal University, Specialist-expert , Investment projects support Department, Ministry of Economic
Applicant of the Institute of Sociologyand Regional Studies, Development of Rostov region,Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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Karpenko, A. Y. (2017). Mission of university in the period of modern crisis of university education. Humanities of the South of Russia, 6(2), 291-302. Retrieved from https://jour.fnisc.ru/index.php/hsr/article/view/5107