Career expectations of Russians in the context of social and economic crisis

  • Oksana Yu. Posukhova Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
How to Cite
Posukhova O.Y. Career expectations of Russians in the context of social and economic crisis. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 2. P. 215-227.


Socio-economic crisis has a significant impact on the living conditions, changes occur not only at the level of meeting the primary needs, but also the reconsideration of secondary needs begins. Career expectations in the context of crisis become more moderate, planning horizons are reduced, and the role of the subjective factor manifested in enterprise and activity is actualized. In terms of career expectations, in terms of crisis a person faces the necessity to choose between different behavior patterns, and the adaptation behavior pattern is the most relevant. Regardless of inert or active adaptation, external circumstances become, if not dominant, but an influential constant of career expectations of Russians. Career expectations inevitably decline when the career formula as a way of self-realization fails and the career as a way to preserve achieved results comes to the fore. Relying on themselves, most Russians believe that the crisis will end and a positive mood for the future is fixed. In general, the career expectations of Russians are determined by social well-being, income, profession and the available "structural strength".
social well-being, career expectations, professional self-realization, crisis, social resources

Author Biography

Oksana Yu. Posukhova, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor 


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Posukhova, O. Y. (2017). Career expectations of Russians in the context of social and economic crisis. Humanities of the South of Russia, 6(2), 215-227. Retrieved from