Socio-legal status of diaspora in modern Russian society: regional perspective

  • Andrey V. Bedrik Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University
  • Darya N. Stukalova Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University
  • Anastasiya A. Tereshchenko Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University
How to Cite
Bedrik A.V., Stukalova D.N., Tereshchenko A.A. Socio-legal status of diaspora in modern Russian society: regional perspective. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2016. Vol. 20. No. 4. P. 61-71.


The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of diaspora, to the comparison of broad and narrow meanings of this concept, communications of the diaspora with its historical homeland, to the differentiation of diasporas according to the legal status of the association. The article considers the key factors of integration within the diaspora and the causes of its segmentation, the problems of loss and reproduction of diaspora identity. The article presents the classification of diasporas of the Rostov region according to historical and migration criteria, the scenarios of development of the competition within and between diasporas were emphasised.
diaspora, community, identity, migration, national-cultural autonomy, public association

Author Biographies

Andrey V. Bedrik, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University
Candidate of Sociological Sciences,Associate Professor, leading research worker, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University,Rostov-on-Don
Darya N. Stukalova, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University
Junior researcher
Anastasiya A. Tereshchenko, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University
Junior researcher


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Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Bedrik, A. V., Stukalova, D. N., & Tereshchenko, A. A. (2016). Socio-legal status of diaspora in modern Russian society: regional perspective. Humanities of the South of Russia, 20(4), 61-71. Retrieved from