Conceptual approaches to the study of the education system in the context of social transformations

  • Arina M. Starygina RostovSocial and Economic Institute
How to Cite
Starygina A.M. Conceptual approaches to the study of the education system in the context of social transformations. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2016. Vol. 19. No. 3. P. 155-163.


The author considers relevant for modern social science issue – existing scientific and theoretical approaches to the study of the education system. The author refers to the analysis and critique of the main approaches to the study of education, correlating the scientific concepts with changes in social reality in the modern world. The conclusion about the necessity of forming a multiparadigmality and multidisciplinary approaches to the study of education in the modern world is made.
education, philosophy of education, sociology, structural and functional approach, conflict theory, education system, social and humanitarian knowledge, social capital

Author Biography

Arina M. Starygina, RostovSocial and Economic Institute
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor


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Starygina, A. M. (2016). Conceptual approaches to the study of the education system in the context of social transformations. Humanities of the South of Russia, 19(3), 155-163. Retrieved from