Methodological basis for research of the relationship of corruption and national security in social space of the information society

  • Ilya V. Pechkurov Adygei State University, Maikop
How to Cite
Pechkurov I.V. Methodological basis for research of the relationship of corruption and national security in social space of the information society. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2016. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 229-240.


The article shows the specifics security nature of information and the legal aspects of fight against corruption in social space of the information society, which is explained by the following methodological grounds: universal model of human activity – "subject with certain objectives - the means and instruments of activity – the object of activity"; the concept of time resource; Foucault's triad – “sovereignty – disciplinary practices – government control"; the concept of the network society; sociological construct of social space, etc.
corruption, security, information society, the legal system, information and communication technologies, social space, social time, time resource, model of human activity

Author Biography

Ilya V. Pechkurov, Adygei State University, Maikop


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Pechkurov, I. V. (2016). Methodological basis for research of the relationship of corruption and national security in social space of the information society. Humanities of the South of Russia, 17(1), 229-240. Retrieved from