Philosophy of human security in the space of virtual reality

  • Andrey M. Rudenko Don State Technical University, Shakhty
  • Konstantin V. Vodenko Don State Technical University, Shakhty; Soufern Federal Universite, Rostov on Don
  • Viktoria V. Kotlyarova Don State Technical University, Shakhty; Soufern Federal Universite, Rostov on Don
  • Yuriy A. Shestakov Don State Technical University, Shakhty; Soufern Federal Universite, Rostov on Don
How to Cite
Rudenko A.M., Vodenko K.V., Kotlyarova V.V., Shestakov Y.A. Philosophy of human security in the space of virtual reality. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2016. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 131-141.


The article examines the concept of "virtual reality", the approaches to definition of virtual reality in modern philosophy. The basic social problems associated with a person in the conditions of virtual reality and the existing security threats to a person in virtual reality are obtained.
information society, human security, virtual reality, manipulation of consciousness, information and psychological confrontation

Author Biographies

Andrey M. Rudenko, Don State Technical University, Shakhty
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
Konstantin V. Vodenko, Don State Technical University, Shakhty; Soufern Federal Universite, Rostov on Don
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
Viktoria V. Kotlyarova, Don State Technical University, Shakhty; Soufern Federal Universite, Rostov on Don
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
Yuriy A. Shestakov, Don State Technical University, Shakhty; Soufern Federal Universite, Rostov on Don
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


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Rudenko, A. M., Vodenko, K. V., Kotlyarova, V. V., & Shestakov, Y. A. (2016). Philosophy of human security in the space of virtual reality. Humanities of the South of Russia, 17(1), 131-141. Retrieved from