Foreign policy factor in the context of overcoming the crisis of national integration in Ukraine in the XXI century: based on the materials of Ukrainian and foreign experts

  • Yury V. Kokin Southern Federal University, Feodosia
How to Cite
Kokin Y.V. Foreign policy factor in the context of overcoming the crisis of national integration in Ukraine in the XXI century: based on the materials of Ukrainian and foreign experts. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2016. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 88-96.


The factors and components that affect the features of formation of the national identity of Ukrainian society. The focus is on foreign actors influence in the context of acute social and political crisis.
crisis, society, identity, consolidation, Ukraine, factor

Author Biography

Yury V. Kokin, Southern Federal University, Feodosia
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Doctoral Candidate 


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Kokin, Y. V. (2016). Foreign policy factor in the context of overcoming the crisis of national integration in Ukraine in the XXI century: based on the materials of Ukrainian and foreign experts. Humanities of the South of Russia, 17(1), 88-96. Retrieved from