Integral truth and creativity: the view of Russian philosophy

  • Andrey F. Polomoshnov Don State Agrarian University (Persianovskiy, Rostov Region)
How to Cite
Polomoshnov A.F. Integral truth and creativity: the view of Russian philosophy. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2016. No. 3. P. 97-105.


The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of concepts integral knowledge of Vladimir Soloviev and Pavel Flo­rensky. The author details the basis and nature of philosophical methods Vladi­mir Solovyov and Pavel Florensky, gives them a critical evaluation.
integral knowledge, true things, organic logic, antinomy, Trinity

Author Biography

Andrey F. Polomoshnov, Don State Agrarian University (Persianovskiy, Rostov Region)
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Philosophy and His­tory


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Polomoshnov, A. F. (2016). Integral truth and creativity: the view of Russian philosophy. Humanities of the South of Russia, (3), 97-105. Retrieved from