The tools of crisis management in Polish tourist companies: the empirical findings

  • Yarema Batorski Jagiellonian University, Krakow
How to Cite
Batorski Y. The tools of crisis management in Polish tourist companies: the empirical findings. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2016. No. 3. P. 92-96.


This article presents some results of empirical research of crisis management in the tourism sector in Poland. The main objective of the study is to explore the complex relationship between tourism management in crisis and or­ganization educability. We proceed from the assumption that the effectiveness of management in a crisis situation depends, on the one hand, on the effectiveness of the self-education, which leads to overcoming it, and, on the other - on the ability to use the situation of crisis as a test field for such training. This study is the methodological invitation to research of the crisis management in tourism from the standpoint of organizational learning.
learning organization, the paradox of crisis management, the tourist company.

Author Biography

Yarema Batorski, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
PhD, доцент факультета менеджмента и социаль­ных коммуникаций 


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Batorski, Y. (2016). The tools of crisis management in Polish tourist companies: the empirical findings. Humanities of the South of Russia, (3), 92-96. Retrieved from