The institutional aspects of the civil identity structuration in contemporary Russian society

  • Konstantin V. Vodenko Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
  • Sergey S. Chernych Platov South-Russian State Technical University (NPI), Novocherkassk
How to Cite
Vodenko K.V., Chernych S.S. The institutional aspects of the civil identity structuration in contemporary Russian society. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2016. No. 3. P. 46-53.


The article deals with the process of structuration of civil identi­ty of Russians at the present stage of social development. The authors analyze the different impacts of major social institutions on the formation of civil identity of Russians. It is emphasized that in the structuration of civil identity special role belongs to the institutions of law and policy that can ensure legitimacy of public order on the basis of class compromise, respect for human rights and private property. The authors suggest that the formation of civic identity in Russia pre­vents conflicts and tensions arising out of the politicization of inter-confessional and inter-ethnic conflicts.
structuration, social institutions, identity, civil society, ethnic nationalism, class compromise

Author Biographies

Konstantin V. Vodenko, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
доктор философских наук, про­фессор
Sergey S. Chernych, Platov South-Russian State Technical University (NPI), Novocherkassk
кандидат философских наук, доцент


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Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Vodenko, K. V., & Chernych, S. S. (2016). The institutional aspects of the civil identity structuration in contemporary Russian society. Humanities of the South of Russia, (3), 46-53. Retrieved from