Social Justice in the Collective Perceptions of the Population of the Regions of the South of Russia in the Context of the Formation of the All-Russian Identity

Research Article
The article was prepared as part of the implementation of the program of fundamental applied scientific research on the topic: “Ethnocultural diversity of Russian society and strengthening of the all-Russian identity” 2020–2022 under the project “Social justice in ensuring the harmonization of interethnic relations and strengthening of the all-Russian identity of the population in the South of Russia” (state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, internal number GZ0110/21-04-RG).
How to Cite
Volkov Y.G. 2022. Social Justice in the Collective Perceptions of the Population of the Regions of the South of Russia in the Context of the Formation of the All-Russian Identity — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. Vol. 10. No. 3. P. 63-77. DOI:


The article is devoted to an overview analysis of the results of the research project “Social justice in ensuring the harmonization of interethnic relations and strengthening the all-Russian identity of the population in the South of Russia”, The data obtained during the work on the project are considered in the context of the problem of forming a unified all-Russian civic identity, which sets a specific angle for analyzing the responses of respondents reflecting the collective ideas of the population of the regions of Southern Russia about social justice. The specificity of the chosen approach to the study is determined by the fact that the study of ideas about justice in the mass consciousness is carried out through the prism of interethnic relations in the regions of Southern Russia, which makes it possible to identify and assess the state of the process of formation of all-Russian identity in ethnic groups living in the South of Russia, the presence and level of severity of interethnic contradictions. The author of the article shows, based on empirical data obtained in the course of the study, that interethnic relations in the southern regions of Russia currently have a generally positive character, the ethnic factor is not an object of politicization, in the representation of ethnic groups there are social opportunities and legal responsibility, which indicates the emerging priority of the emerging all-Russian civic identity in relation to ethno-group identities. At the same time, it is emphasized in the article, fairness in interethnic interactions is assessed by respondents mainly by the criterion of the absence of preferences from the local authorities in relation to a particular ethnic group when solving issues of everyday socio-economic life, creating equal opportunities for intergenerational reproduction and broadcasting of ethno-cultural identities.
interethnic relations, ethnic groups, justice, all-Russian civic identity, socio-cultural trauma, interethnic contradictions, values, social integration

Author Biography

Yuriy G. Volkov, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Supervisor


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Received: 08.05.2022

Accepted: 16.09.2022

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Other cite formats:

Volkov, Y. G. (2022) ’Social Justice in the Collective Perceptions of the Population of the Regions of the South of Russia in the Context of the Formation of the All-Russian Identity’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, 10(3), pp. 63-77. doi: