Results of Monitoring the Process of Informatization During the Socio-Digital Transformation of the Regional Administration

Research Article
How to Cite
Bogdanov V.S. 2021. Results of Monitoring the Process of Informatization During the Socio-Digital Transformation of the Regional Administration — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. Vol. 9. No. 3. P. 88-106. DOI:


We continue to observe how the intensification of technological modernization contributes to the reproduction of new phenomena with subsequent centaur problems at the intersection of social relations and infocommunicative practices. Such spontaneous processes with a high degree of uncertainty pose new challenges to sociology and the sociology of management, in particular, to their study, reflection and interpretation both in theory and in the practice of everyday life. Among them, we include the process of socio-digital transformation in society and the sphere of management, which has recently been updated as a result of the widespread use of information and communication technologies in traditional social management practices. This article proposes to get acquainted with the results of a long-term study of this phenomenon in the context of studying the domestic management system through the attitude of the population to the functioning of the prevailing model of power-management vertical in the country. The research was initiated in 2016 at the Center of Sociology and Social Technologies of the IS RAS (hand. A.V. Tikhonov) still has the status of monitoring. As part of the operationalization of concepts, a definition of electronic management in a broad and narrow sense, its role and place in solving socially significant problems of regions and information technology modernization of territories has been developed and presented. Based on the testing of indices for measuring the state and development of socio-digital transformation of regional management systems, as part of an online examination of the functioning of regional management systems in 7 regions, the author’s interpretation of the contours of infosocial modernization of management in Russian regions is presented. Conclusions were drawn on the dominance of the subjects of government, determining the nature and course of infosocial modernization.
social and digital transformation, informatization of regional government, electronic control, electronic government, sociocultural modernization, infosoсial modernization of management

Author Biography

Vladimir S. Bogdanov, Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
Candidate of Sociology, Senior Researcher


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Received: 02.06.2021

Accepted: 28.09.2021

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Bogdanov, V. S. (2021) ’Results of Monitoring the Process of Informatization During the Socio-Digital Transformation of the Regional Administration’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, 9(3), pp. 88-106. doi: