Dyad of Children's Health Camp N: Experience of Sociological Research

Research Article
  • Vyacheslav I. Belov National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russian Federation slawa289@yandex.ru
  • Daria Yu. Elkina National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russian Federation dasha217991@gmail.com
How to Cite
Belov V.I., Elkina D.Y. 2020. Dyad of Children’s Health Camp N: Experience of Sociological Research — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. Vol. 8. No. 3. P. 182-195. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19181/snsp.2020.8.3.7494


The article contains results of sociological research of the interactions between pairs of counsellors at youth health camps. Research was conducted in two stages. During the first stage, an expert survey aimed at identifying the principles and rules for selection of counsellors at health camps and their formation into pairs, had been conducted youth. During the second stage research was carried out directly in the youth health camp N. The main area of focus was to study interactions (cooperation) in pairs of counsellors, as successful functioning of the youth health camp largely depends on them. The article contains materials from observations that were made during the second camp shift session, these materials are combined in a table. An artificially formed dyad simultaneously represents both small and secondary groups. Relationships between members of such groups are constantly changing. The dynamics of the development of interactions within the dyad is presented in a table form. A four concept approach (leadership, distribution of responsibilities, addition, sympathy), which contributes to the successful functioning of the dyad, is proposed. The main hypothesis of the study suggested the presence of correlation between the relations status in pairs of counsellors and the success of its work in accordance with the youth health camp’s goals and objectives. Results of the research demonstrate that the hypothesis proves to be correct in most cases.
youth health camp, counsellor, dyad, interactions, concepts

Author Biographies

Vyacheslav I. Belov, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russian Federation
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Daria Yu. Elkina, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russian Federation


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Received: 16.02.2020

Accepted: 26.09.2020

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Belov, V. I. and Elkina, D. Y. (2020) ’Dyad of Children’s Health Camp N: Experience of Sociological Research’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, 8(3), pp. 182-195. doi: https://doi.org/10.19181/snsp.2020.8.3.7494.