Artificial Intelligence: Achievements and Postponed Risks

  • Ekaterina D. Lukyanova the MGIMO Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs University
How to Cite
Lukyanova E.D. 2019. Artificial Intelligence: Achievements and Postponed Risks — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. Vol. 7. No. 1. P. 142-148. DOI:


The article considers the problem of the development of artificial intelligence, its ambivalent impact on society and humanity. There are the description and definition of artificial intelligence, the problem field was defined. We conducted a study of the manifest and latent functions of artificial intelligence, which can provoke postponed risks. We considered the vision of artificial intelligence as a complex socio-biotechnological hybrid and a qualitatively new mechanism of social control. The achievements and risk-based role of artificial intelligence in modern complex society was estimated. Particular attention is paid to the nature of knowledge about the phenomenon of artificial intelligence, acquiring an interdisciplinary character. Some deferred risks related to the functioning of artificial intelligence are indicated. The factors contributing to the creation of a socio-biotechnological hybrid in the form of artificial intelligence are considered in the context of the riskological turn. The risks of a new type of irrational rationality are considered, the cause of which, according to the author, is the introduction of IT and artificial intelligence, the consequences of rationality are given. The problem of the risk of deintimization, depriving a person of opportunities and the right to personal information is noted. That problem may entail new manifestations of alienation in the form of the dehumanization of social and natural realities. due to the introduction in many programs of artificial intelligence. The article deals with the problem of the pluralization of knowledge about artificial intelligence, the use of performance mechanisms that produce fakes, absolutizing positive or negative consequences of the functioning of artificial intelligence. The article summarizes the state of the risks of artificial intelligence at the moment. Recommendations for further interdisciplinary study of artificial intelligence are presented. The article substantiates the importance of the implementation of the risk assessment of the emerging programs based on artificial intelligence.
complex society, artificial intelligence, digitalization of the economy and society, side effects, risks of artificial intelligence and digitalization, dehumanization, rationalization, socio-biotechnological hybrid, social control

Author Biography

Ekaterina D. Lukyanova, the MGIMO Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs University
Master Student, Department of Business Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, Master Student, Departament of Sociology


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Citation Formats
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Lukyanova, E. D. (2019) ’Artificial Intelligence: Achievements and Postponed Risks’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, 7(1), pp. 142-148. doi: