Labor Migration and Business Activity in Russia: Analysis of the Tabarman Business Platform

  • Vera M. Peshkova Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
The article was written with the support of RFBR. Grant № 17-03-00834-OGN «Entrepreneurship among foreign migrants in Russiastructural opportunities versus ethnic resources»
How to Cite
Peshkova V.M. 2019. Labor Migration and Business Activity in Russia: Analysis of the Tabarman Business Platform — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. Vol. 7. No. 1. P. 99-112. DOI:


The article focuses on the entrepreneurial activity of migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Russia (on the example of Moscow and the Moscow region). The article analyzes the activity of the business platform “Tabarman” created by the entrepreneurs of Kyrgyz origin. The empirical part of the study is based on the event analysis of information about the activities of the tabarman business platform in social networks and the Internet, as well as on the analysis of the survey of participants of the first business forum organized by The platform, held on may 22, 2018. The analysis of the forum audience gives an opportunity to get an idea about the peculiarities of business activity of entrepreneurs of Kyrgyz origin, and the analysis of the platform as a business project-manifestations of the diversity of migrant infrastructure. The emergence of the Tabarman business platform is a vivid example of the quantitative and qualitative accumulation of personal and group resources of migrants from Kyrgyzstan, which has led to the complication of the interests and needs of recent migrant workers and the growth of entrepreneurial activity among them.
migration, labour migrants, entrepreneurial activity, business forum, migrant networks, Kyrgyzstan

Author Biography

Vera M. Peshkova, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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Peshkova, V. M. (2019) ’Labor Migration and Business Activity in Russia: Analysis of the Tabarman Business Platform’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, 7(1), pp. 99-112. doi: