The Reform of the Power-Management Vertical in the Context of Sociocultural Modernization's Problems of the Regions as an Actual Socially and Research Problem

  • Aleksandr V. Tikhonov Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (project № 15-18-30077) in the Federal research sociological center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
How to Cite
Tikhonov A.V. 2018. The Reform of the Power-Management Vertical in the Context of Sociocultural Modernization’s Problems of the Regions as an Actual Socially and Research Problem — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 72-83. DOI:


The article substantiates the urgency of reforming the existing in the country power-management vertical on the basis of sociological research of the situation in the regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization. It is shown that the scientific novelty and practical use of the study of this problem in the context of differences in the civilizational development of the regions is to try to explicate the relationship between society and the state from the standpoint of the "civil contract". The author considers the mechanisms of regulation of these relations in the process of solving the problems of modernization of regions in the conditions of real challenges and threats, which, in turn, affects the functions of the various levels of power and management vertical and the degree of their support from the population. These are the starting points for obtaining empirical data, which can become the starting points for adequate practical recommendations in solving the problems of transformation of Russian society in the conditions of implementation of the "breakthrough" in socio-economic development, which is laid down in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (2018). In this regard, the main attention is paid to the solution of four types of research problems. First, the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the possibility of research and development of the national concept of social organization and management more adequate to the real state and prospects of transformation of the management system in the regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization. Secondly, empirical confirmation of the solution of the problem of reforming the power-management vertical in connection with the analysis of the degree of adequacy of its responses to external and internal challenges and its success in solving General and particular problems of socio-cultural modernization. Third, to determine the possibility of using the methods of social diagnosis and "civil expertise" in mass field and remote studies of management problems. Fourth, the preparation of practical proposals for management experiments in the regions with the participation of civil society organizations and using modern information and communication technologies
Russia and the world, the problem of globalization, foreign and domestic research, the research actuality of the function of the power-management vertical in Russia, the regions modernization levels, control of the modernization processes

Author Biography

Aleksandr V. Tikhonov, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
Doctor of Sociology, Main Researcher


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Tikhonov, A. V. (2018) ’The Reform of the Power-Management Vertical in the Context of Sociocultural Modernization’s Problems of the Regions as an Actual Socially and Research Problem’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, 6(4), pp. 72-83. doi: