Particularities of Integration of the Migrants of the North Caucasus Republics in Local Host Environments

  • Igor M. Kuznetsov Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
How to Cite
Kuznetsov I.M. 2018. Particularities of Integration of the Migrants of the North Caucasus Republics in Local Host Environments — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 51-63. DOI:


The article discusses the particularities of the integration of internal migrants from North Caucasus republics in the host environments of Russian regions, differing in the level of economic development and the historically established ethnosocial structure of the population. The empirical basis for analysis of the particularities of migrant integration was made up of databases of regional surveys conducted in 2014–2016. The similarities/differences in the interpretation of terminal and instrumental values are the integration criteria in the surveys. Based on the analysis of similarities/differences in the interpretation of terminal value-conscious meanings by representatives of the host population and recent migrants from North Caucasus republics, it is concluded that visitors from the North Caucasus republics are quite integrated into the identification context of the local host environments. Their estimations of the events that are occurring currently in Russia and abroad are scarcely different from the corresponding estimations of the local host environments (and from those of the Russians as a whole). These entrants differ just in stronger adherence to their ethnocultural conventions and customs. Significant differences were found in the interpretation of instrumental values. These differences can on the one hand be explained by the difference in the economic status of a certain host region and the region of the migrants’ outcome, as well as by a more modernized socio-cultural environment of the daily activities of the host regions, regardless of economic status. On the other hand, the given differences are conditioned by the socialization environment which is more traditionalist in the areas of migrants’ outcome. Prospects for the successful integration of migrants from the North Caucasus republics are connected, first, with the development of the spheres of productive economy in the territories of these republics and, second, with the erosion of importance of nationality as social capital in the host territories.
value meanings, terminal values, instrumental values, integration of migrants

Author Biography

Igor M. Kuznetsov, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
Candidate of Sociology, Leading Researcher


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Kuznetsov, I. M. (2018) ’Particularities of Integration of the Migrants of the North Caucasus Republics in Local Host Environments’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, 6(4), pp. 51-63. doi: