Sociocultural World of Young Russian Workers' Daily Life

  • Alexander L. Temnitskiy Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO); Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS
How to Cite
Temnitskiy A.L. 2017. Sociocultural World of Young Russian Workers’ Daily Life — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. Vol. 5. No. 4. P. 92-107. DOI:


In this article different aspects of daily life of young Russian workers at industrial enterprises in Bryansk are examined. It is done on the basis of the research (conducted in 2016) in which with the help of multi-layered questionnaire with open questions features of living world perception through the prism of main values, fiction, authoritative people, communications with mass-media are revealed. Special attention is devoted to analysis of workers’ skills in the interpretation of authors’ intentions in fiction (on the example of parable). To reveal the main workers’ qualifications in the industrial sphere of communication the data of earlier conducted researches in Bryansk (2007 and 2014) is used. To reveal the place of the Internet in young workers’ life RLMS-HSE data (2015) is used.The consclusion of the article is the characteristic of sociocultural image of young workers from provincial town. It is shown that in the sociocultural image of young workers conservative-traditional qualities of daily life prevail over liberal ones (the role of self-realization and creative work in living values, going out of the borders of inner world of daily work and routine towards the surrounding problems, searching activity in fiction, inquisitiveness of mind in the interpretation of texts’ content). The exception is only communication with mass-media, first of all, in the use of the Internet where young workers are slightly different from their coevals among specialists with higher education. Keywords: daily life, sociocultural world, semisociopsychological approach, sociocultural image, living values, communicational skills, young workers.
daily life, sociocultural world, semisociopsychological approach, sociocultural image, living values, communicational skills, young workers

Author Biography

Alexander L. Temnitskiy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO); Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS
Associate Professor, the Sociological Department, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO); Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS


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Temnitskiy, A. L. (2017) ’Sociocultural World of Young Russian Workers’ Daily Life’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, 5(4), pp. 92-107. doi: